Migration Management: The Developing Countries’ Perspective Jeff Dayton-Johnson, Denis Drechsler and Jason Gagnon from the OECD Development Centre discuss how low- and middle-income countries should manage migration to serve their own economic goals.
A skilled migration policy for Europe? Issues and problems James Wickham explores the conditions to design a European policy for skilled migration that also contributes towards social equity and social cohesion.
Migration and Development: The Kerala Experience Irudaya Rajan and K.C. Zachariah present the results of the new survey about the impact of emigration flows in Kerala, India.
Labour shortages and immigration policy: Recommendations of the UK’s new Migration Advisory Committee Martin Ruhs, member of the UK's new Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), introduces the committee's analysis and recommendations on "Labour shortages and immigration policy".
Toil and Tolerance: A Tale of Illegal Migration Oded Stark analyzes the work effort given by illegal immigrants toward their jobs in their host country as an economic factor based on the prospect of expulsion and the risk of losing the host-wage which is higher than the home-country wage.
Profiling at the Canadian Border: An Economist’s Viewpoint Don DeVoretz asks what are the appropriate and inappropriate uses of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, and religion in order to enhance border securityand proposes a group profiling based on a pedigree system.
Empowered Maghreb countries' Responsiveness to the Cooperation on Readmission with EU Member States Jean-Pierre Cassarino evaluates the increasing involvement of Maghreb countries in negotiations with the EU about migration policy highlighting that readmission policies remain problematic and demonstrate the unequal relationship between the EU member states and the Maghreb countries.
Challenges & Concepts In the policy paper commissioned by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Steffen Angenendt analyses the state of the current European migration policies and suggests principles for a common coherent migration policy in Europe.
Integrationspotenziale der dualen Berufsausbildung für Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund Die duale Berufsausbildung kombiniert praktisches Training im Betrieb sowie theoretisches Lernen in der Berufsfachschule. Noch immer mündet über die Hälfte der SchulabgängerInnen in Deutschland in eine betriebliche Ausbildung ein.
„Eltern aktiv“: Einbeziehung von Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund in die Berufsorientierung ihrer Kinder Sabine Kümmerle, Alexei Medevedev und Toralf Gonzales beschreiben, wie die Hamburger Beratungs- und Koordinierungsstelle zur beruflichen Qualifizierung von jungen Migrantinnen und Migranten (BQM) gezielt die verschiedenen Migrantengruppen zu erreichen versucht. Ziel ist die Optimierung von Information und Beratung von Migranteneltern zur besseren Unterstützung ihrer Kinder beim Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf.