Muslim Well-Being in Europe In three of the four states, official data collection practices do not permit direct examination of Muslim well-being despite current efforts to establish alternatives to the Gross Domestic Product per capita in assessing individuals’ satisfaction and happiness.
Political participation of ethnic minorities in Belgium: From enfranchisement to ethnic vote Bram Wauters und Floor Eelbode zeichnen die langwierige Diskussion in Belgien über ein allgemeines Wahlrecht für die ausländische Bevölkerung sowie dessen halbherzige Einführung nach und zeigen, dass sich dennoch erste positive Entwicklungen insbesondere bei der migrantischen Repräsentation in den kommunalen Parlamenten abzeichnen.
The political participation of immigrants in the Netherlands Floris Vermeulen gibt einen Überblick über unterschiedliche Partizipationsformen von MigrantInnen in den Niederlanden, von der Beteiligung in Selbstorganisationen über Wahlen bis hin zur politischen Repräsentation auf lokaler und nationaler Ebene und bewertet das erreichte Partizipationsniveau als nach wie vor unbefriedigend.
Mobility and Inclusion – Managing Labour Migration in Europe The dossier addresses the issue of growing labour mobility supply and demand within the European continent and challenges social, legal and economic policies restricting this process. pdf
Migration of Polish nationals in the view of labour market restrictions Agnieszka Fihel analyses the trajectories of Polish migration to Western Europe finding that host countries determine their share of migrants with their immigration policy regulations. Also, reversed migration due to the global financial crisis depends on the economic situation of the host country.
The Backlash against Multiculturalism When attempting to bracket together an array of public measures as ‘multiculturalism’, the task is further complicated if undertaken comparatively across countries most known for the implementation of policies deemed, officially or not, multicultural.
The Highly-Skilled as a 'Renewable Resource' Gervais Appave defines labour migrants as a 'resource' that must be treated delicately. He ascribes the increase in human mobility to the deliberate decision by the EU choosing economic growth as the primary policy goal.
Dimensions of Highly- Skilled Labour Migration Ibrahim Awad, highlights that also medium and low skilled labour is in demand. Europe's multiple unintegrated labour markets complicate migration, with the Blue Card providing only little relief.
Demographic Change, Labour Force Development and Migration in Europe – Policy Recommendations Western societies in Europe are growing old fast and life expectancy is rising. Professor Rainer Münz sheds light on possible policy solutions for a shrinking active workforce.
You can’t have the cake and eat it! Migrationssteuerung in Deutschland und die Versprechen der zirkulären Migration Zirkuläre Migration wird nicht selten als migrationspolitisches Allheilmittel dargestellt. Das ist sie nicht. Gunilla Fincke etwa sieht in ihr eine große Chance, weil sie versuche Win-Win-Situationen für alle zu schaffen.