CONFERENCE Mobility and Inclusion - Highly-skilled Labour Migration in Europe
Papers |
Here you can download conference papers, presentations and reports:
- Konferenzbericht(Conference Report: Willkommen in Europa? von Corina Weber
- Ralf Fücks, Director Heinrich, Böll Stifung: Eröffnung der Internationalen Konferenz Mobilität und Inklusion - Arbeitsmigration von Hochqualifizierten in Europa
- Dr. Patrick Hart, Director, British Council: Opening of Mobility and Inclusion Conference
- Argentina Szabados, Chief of Mission, IOM Germany, Opening remarks
- After the Blue Card - EU Policy on Highly Qualified Migration - Three Ways out of the Impasse
Policy Paper of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung authored by Roderick Parkes and Steffen Angenendt
- Dr. Carola Burkert und Prof. Herbert Brücker, IAB: Zuwanderung und Arbeitsmarktintegration- Was kann Deutschland aus den Erfahrungen klassischer Einwanderungsländer lernen?
- Prof. Dietrich Thränhardt: Braucht Deutschland Einwanderer? Und was ist zu tun?
- Dr. Thomas Liebig, OECD: A Roadmap for Managing Highly-skilled Migration
- Dr. Bernhard Rohleder, BITKOM: Attracting Foreign Professionals - The Industry's Perspective
- Ryszard Cholewinski, IOM: The “Blue Card” – a First Step for “Potential Mobility Partnerships” between the EU and Third Countries?
- Elmar Hönekopp: East-West Migration: EU-15 and Germany - Mitigating the cleavage between the demand of low and highly-skilled labour
You may read more articles on this issue in our DOSSIER Mobility and Inclusion – Managing Labour Migration in Europe
Foto: dpa - fotoreport
Mobility and Inclusion - Highly-skilled Labour Migration in Europe
International Conference, Berlin, 18 - 19 February 2010 (weiter)
Willkommen in Europa?
Konferenzbericht von Corina Weber (weiter)
Speakers / Chairs