CONFERENCE Mobility and Inclusion - Highly-skilled Labour Migration in Europe
Program |
Program English Programm Deutsch
update 15-02-2010
Day 1 Thursday, 18 February 2010
9.30 h Registration/Arrival/Coffee
10.30 h Opening remarks
- Ralf Fücks, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin
- Dr. Patrick Hart, Director, British Council, Berlin
- Argentina Szabados, Chief of Mission IOM Germany, Berlin
11.00 h Keynote speech
- Mobile Labour Markets. The Effect of Globalization: Trends and Perspectives
Gervais Appave, Special Policy Advisor to the Director General, International Organization for Migration, Geneva
Follow-up discussion
11.45 h Keynote speech
- Migration - Integration - Innovation. Demands and Perspectives of Europe’s Labour Market
Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, President, German Institute for Economic Research, Berlin
Follow-up discussion
12.30 h Coffee break
12.45 h Keynote speech
- A Roadmap for Managing Highly-skilled Migration
Dr. Thomas Liebig, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD, Paris
Follow-up discussion
13.30 h Lunch
14.30 h Presentation of the Discussion Paper of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung
- After the Blue Card - EU Policy on highly qualified Migration - Three Ways out of the Impasse
Roderick Parkes, Head of Brussels Office, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
15.15 h Key Labour Migration Characteristics and Policy Options for Different Destinations
Presentation 1
- Destination Europe Case: European Cities
Shams Asadi, City of Vienna, Chair of Economic Migration Group, EUROCITIES, Vienna
16.00 h Coffee break
16.15 h Presentation 2
- Destination North America: Case: USA
Howard F. Rosen, Executive Director, Trade Adjustment Assistance Coalition, Washington, D.C.
17.00 h Presentation 3
- New-Destinations: Case: Turkey
Kamuran Sezer, Futureorg - Institute for applied Future and Trend Research, Dortmund
18.00 h Poetry & Performance: Zena Edwards, London
19.00 h Reception
Day 2 Friday, 19 February 2010
9.30 h Registration/Coffee
10.00 h Keynote Speech
- Attracting Foreign Professionals - The Industry's Perspective
Dr. Bernhard Rohleder, Director General, BITKOM, Berlin
10.30 h Follow-up discussion
11.00 h Roundtable discussions
Roundtable I Innovation - Growth - Welfare System
- Is high-skilled labour migration a right tool for innovation and growth?
- Contribution to the sustainability of social security systems in the EU?
- Recognition of qualifications and recruitment schemes
- Pressure on welfare system?
- Jeanne Batalova, Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.
- Dr. Hans Dietrich von Loeffelholz, Head of Section, Chief Economist, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Nürnberg
- Anne Britt Djuve, Research Director, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo
- Prof. Herbert Brücker, Senior Researcher, Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nürnberg
Chair: Shams Asadi, Chair of Economic Migration Group, EUROCITIES, City of Vienna
Roundtable II East to West European Migration
- Effects of ENP on integration of East European countries in the EU labour market?
- What are the jobs for Eastern European migrants?
- What are the consequences for the sending countries?
- Trends from sending to destination countries
- Prof. Jane Hardy,
- University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
- Elmar Hönekopp, Senior Researcher, Nürnberg, Presentation
- Martin Kahanec, Senior Research Associate and Deputy Program Director of the Migration Program Area, Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA), Bonn, Presentation
- Jan Kust, Head of Unit, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Prague
Chair: Dr. Carola Burkert, Senior Researcher, Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Frankfurt, Introduction
Roundtable III Cooperation, Coherence, Protectionism? Labour Migration Policies in Europe
- Coherent policy strategies vs. unilateral policy approaches?
- Benefits and risks of protectionism in Europe’s labour markets?
- Ensuring sustainability of supply of talents
- Effects of brain drain and demographic shifts
- Irina de Sancho Alonso, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Brussels
- Thomas Liebig, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD, Paris
- Egbert Holthuis, Deputy Head of Unit, European Employment Strategy, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Brussels
Chair: Roderick Parkes, Head of Brussels Office, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
13.30 h Lunch
14.45 h Music: “Komus” by Bahtiyar Edilbekov, Berlin
15.00 Panel Discussion
Battle for the Talents in Times of Labour Market Protectionism?
- A new policy trend after the EU Elections?
- Labour market protectionism as an effect of the financial crisis?
- Policies on national level vs. EU policies ?
- EU Blue card developments?
- Dr. Ibrahim Awad, Director of the International Migration Programme, ILO, Geneva
- Ryszard Cholewinski, Senior Migration Policy and Research Specialist, Migration Policy and Research Department, International Organization for Migration, Geneva Presentation, Presentation
- Prof. Dietrich Thränhardt, Professor Emeritus, University of Münster, Münster
Chair: Jan Niessen, Director, Migration Policy Group, Brussels
16.30 h Closure
Foto: dpa - fotoreport
Mobility and Inclusion - Highly-skilled Labour Migration in Europe
International Conference, Berlin, 18 - 19 February 2010 (weiter)
Willkommen in Europa?
Konferenzbericht von Corina Weber (weiter)
Speakers / Chairs