Fairy tale of the black mountain 2011
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A white man walks along a beach on the Indian Ocean coastline. Probably, he is thinking with dread of all the horrible cliches that tourists are supposedly prone to: being attacked, robbed...Suddenly he is startled out of this day dream as he finds himself being literally jumped on by a group of men, who land in a heap on top of him. As everything dissipates he finds himself once again alone, but clothed in new attire. Confused at this reversed logic, he dusts off the sand and stumbles on.
In this metaphor the man experiences a shift of mind, expressed among other things by a touch of the “other” and a new set of clothes
For Children 2006
[To view the Video Player you will need to have Javascript turned on and have Flash Player 9 or better installed.]
An ink-less tattoo machine was used to inscribe words on parts of my bodies. The fragmented text that is exposed on fragile skin speaks of the painful results of violence.
About IngridMwangiRobertHutter
born 1975 in NairobiLudwigshafen, is a conjoined artist identity. I imagine two bodies, two minds, two histories and a single converging present. My intention is to mould together facets of an all too complex world, to reveal a simple and direct approach of living the symbiosis that is part of the fabric of life. The view employed in my media artworks is at times very intimate, uncovering manifold representations. At other times, by looking outwardly at the shifting surroundings, stories can be told with images, sounds or spatial interventions.
Solo exhibitions include "IngridMwangiRobertHutter. Constant Triumph“, Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Atlanta, 2011, "Red Line - IngridMwangiRobertHutter - 20 video works“, Pixel-Gallery, Budapest, 2008 and "Man of War“, Kunstverein Ingolstadt, 2006. Work features in The Arthur M. Sackler Collections, The Walther Collection and Yokohama Museum of Art Collection and group exhibitions include "Rebelle. Art and Feminism 1969-2009“, Museum for Modern Art, Arnheim, 2009, "Black Womanhood: Images, Icons and Ideologies of the African Body“, Hood Museum of Art, New Hampshire / San Diego Museum of Art, Kalifornia, 2008 and "52nd Venice Biennale. Check List", Arsenale Artiglierie, 2007.
Über IngridMwangiRobertHutter
IngridMwangiRobertHutter, 1975 in NairobiLudwigshafen geboren, ist eine vereinende Künstler Identität. Ich stelle mir zwei Körper, zwei Geiste, zwei Geschichten und eine zusammenführende Gegenwart vor. Meine Absicht ist es Facetten einer viel zu komplexen Welt miteinander verschmelzen zu lassen, um eine einfache und direkte Herangehensweise zu erschaffen: das Erlebens einer Symbiose, die Teil des Lebens ist. Die Perspektive, die meiner Arbeit zugrunde liegt ist zuweilen eine sehr intime, die unzählige Representationen enthüllt. Manchmal, im nach Außen blicken auf die sich verändernde Umgebung, können Geschichten mit Bildern, Klängen oder räumlichen Interventionen erzählt werden.
Zu ihren Einzelausstellungen gehören "IngridMwangiRobertHutter. Constant Triumph“, Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Atlanta, 2011, "Red Line - IngridMwangiRobertHutter - 20 video works“, Pixel-Gallery, Budapest, 2008 und "Man of War“, Kunstverein Ingolstadt, 2006. Ihre Arbeit wurde unter anderem in The Arthur M. Sackler Collections, The Walther Collection und Yokohama Museum of Art Collection präsentiert. Zu den Gruppenausstellungen gehören "Rebelle. Art and Feminism 1969-2009“, Museum for Modern Art, Arnheim, 2009, "Black Womanhood: Images, Icons and Ideologies of the African Body“, Hood Museum of Art, New Hampshire / San Diego Museum of Art, Kalifornia, 2008 und "52nd Venice Biennale. Check List", Arsenale Artiglierie, 2007.
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