Serbien, Mazedonien und Bosnien – sichere Herkunftsstaaten? Reinhard Marx fasst sein Rechtsgutachten für Pro Asyl zusammen, wonach die Einstufung von Serbien, Mazedonien und Bosnien als „sichere Herkunftsstaaten“ nicht zulässig ist. Von Reinhard Marx
Dossier „Welcome to Germany II“ – Flucht, Asyl und Willkommenskultur Dossier Der zweite Teil der Dossier-Reihe „Welcome to Germany“ betrachtet die exklusiven Seiten der deutschen Willkommenskultur und möchte dazu anregen, sich selbstkritisch mit dem „Willkommen sein“ in Deutschland und Europa auseinanderzusetzen.
"Europe as a whole feels familiar." Lawyer Efi Kalogeraki talks about dreams and feelings she has as a migrant in Europe. Von Julia Brilling
"I hope that the film will be able to open a dialogue for a brighter European future: young and strong!" Interview with director Gabriel Tzafka about the film project "Re:Union" Von Julia Brilling
Young Europeans on the Move – Portrait of a New Generation of Migrants Europe is on the move. Younger generations of Europeans, especially those with high skills and high ambitions, are striving for a bright future. We want to explore the meanings of this new migration movement. Von Julia Brilling und Judith Nahrwold
RE:UNION - A Documentary about the changing face of Europe A frightening number of young people from Southern Europe move to the North. Is this movement from Southern to Northern Europe the beginning of a new chapter in European history? The documentary explores this recent development in Europe. Watch it here.
"I already feel like home." Susana Cortés talks about her experiences living in London. Von Julia Brilling
"It's time for a big change." Kevin about his visions for the European Union in this interview. Von Julia Brilling
"I feel like I have been expelled." The artist Jose Fernandez about his migration from Spain to the UK. Von Julia Brilling
RE:UNION – A documentary about the changing face of Europe A frightening number of young people from Southern Europe move to the North. Is this movement from Southern to Northern Europe the beginning of a new chapter in European history? Von Gabriel Tsafka