Europa als Wertegemeinschaft: Stand und Entwicklung des europäischen Gleichbehandlungsrechts Antidiskriminierungsrecht hat in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft nicht nur eine lange Tradition sondern gehört auch zu den Grundpfeilern des Gemeinschaftsrechts.
About the Dossier Border Politics - Migration in the Mediterranean The articles in this dossier shed critical light on several related sites of Euro-Mediterranean border management. They look at the “border within” as well as the effects of the exterritorialisation strategy in the Libyan example and show both the deadly and the “productive” aspects of the border regime.
Dossier Border Politics – Migration in the Mediterranean The articles in this dossier shed critical light on several related sites of Euro-Mediterranean border management. They look at the “border within” as well as the effects of the exterritorialisation strategy in the Libyan example. They show both the deadly and the “productive” aspects of the border regime.
"Ungenutzte Potentiale": Gemischte Integrationserfolge in Europas Zuwanderungsland Nummer 1 In Deutschland leben rund 15 Millionen Zugewanderte beziehungsweise deren hier geborene Nachkommen. Fast 20 Prozent der Einwohner haben damit einen so genannten Migrationshintergrund.
BANLIEUES IN EUROPA - STRATEGIEN GEGEN GEWALT "Émeutes" in den französischen Banlieues, "riots" im Norden Englands – gewalttätige Ausschreitungen von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund scheinen zur Realität klassischer multikultureller Gesellschaften in Europa zu gehören.
European Governance of Migration A dossier about issues and problems that a common coherent European migration policy should adress. pdf
Migration and Development Hans Werner Mundt trades off positive against negative effects of migration and argues why a cooperative management of migration is needed.
From principles to policies: Creating an evidence base for a European approach to migration management Thomas Huddleston discusses the MIPEX project as a means to evaluate European migration policies and illuminate aspects of policy impacts.
Security, Protectionism & Liberalization of Labour Markets –Goal Conflicts in the Governance of Migration Michele Wucker illustrates the consequences of conflicting policies which affect migrants’ lives in the sending as well as receiving countries.