The revival of racism and its propagandists is a clear indication that in the democratic societies of Europe, the reasons giving rise and reproducing it, have not ceased to exist. Quite the opposite, in fact. This report aims at contributing in making racism and its spreading understood better by the wider public, under the circumstances of this multifaceted crisis that has stricken Greek society.
Besides job creations and responding to care needs, a central argument justifying the development of in-home care has been that of gender equality. In her paper, Emilia Roig argues that the stated policy objective of “freeing” the productive potential of the more highly-skilled women - as announced by the European Commission – widens the gender pay gap, instead of fostering gender equality in the workplace.
Emilia Roig geht in ihrem Paper der Frage nach, wie scheinbar neutrale Gesetze spezifisch auf Migrantinnen wirken. Wie lassen sich das Politikziel und die verfassungsmäßige Pflicht zur Verbesserung der Geschlechtergleichstellung mit dem Wachstum eines höchst prekären, geschlechtergetrennten und durch die Überrepräsentation von Migrantinnen gekennzeichneten Arbeitssektors in Einklang bringen?