The Future of European Migration Policy - Motivations, Obstacles, and Opportunities In the policy paper commissioned by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Steffen Angenendt analyses the state of the current European migration policies and suggests principles for a common coherent migration policy in Europe.
Migratory policies and political cultures in Europe: Is there something new? Umberto Melotti compares the immigration policies in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy to demonstrate a recent tendency towards a more common migration policy.
Strait is the gate – New priorities for European immigration policy Jakob von Weizsäcker identifies high-skilled immigration, irregular migration, and asylum as the main concerns and challenges of a European migration policy and formulates policy recommendations.
Ethnische Minderheiten auf dem EU-Arbeitsmarkt The High Level Advisory Group of Experts (HLG) makes its recommendations on the basis of the barriers which it identified during its mandate and its assessment of good practice in both public policy and enterprises.
Links and Events Links, Veranstaltungen und Materialien zum Dossier "Europa 2007 – Cahncengleichheit für alle!"
Fremd in Warschau Vietnamesen sind die zweitstärkste Migrantengruppe in Warschau. Mit billigen Textilien und Garküchen sichern sie ihr Auskommen. Seitdem immer mehr Dönerbuden eröffnen, ist ihre Existenz gefährdet.
Older People in Sweden: Some Observations Sweden is currently facing the same demographic situation or challenge as other European countries: an increasing number of elderly people. This demands a new future perspective the author Olof Björlin concludes, particularly with regard to health issues.
"Parallel Lives" Sometimes, migrants along with other disadvantaged and marginalized groups are used as scapegoats to rationalize the emergence of social problems in a country. This is the reason why xenophobia, discrimination and racism are growing in some regions in Europe.
Equal Opportunities for all! A Dream, not a Reality - The African Community in Germany Integration in Germany brings challenges for African migrants. It is expected that they assimilate rather then to be viewed as citizens with a tradition and culture that enriches the German society.
The losers in the Swedish welfare state – Africans with disabilities What happens if a group in society is vulnerable to more than one aspect of discrimination? Author Kitimbwa Sabuni explores the exclusion of Africans from the labour market and from all forms of rehabilitation after their migrations to Sweden.