About the Dossier Border Politics - Migration in the Mediterranean The articles in this dossier shed critical light on several related sites of Euro-Mediterranean border management. They look at the “border within” as well as the effects of the exterritorialisation strategy in the Libyan example and show both the deadly and the “productive” aspects of the border regime.
Mobility Partnerships: Rationale and Implications for African-European Relations Jean-Pierre Cassarino analyses the rationale and impact of Mobility Partnerships and questions how far developmental goals have supplanted the security-orientation.
From Blame Game to Cooperation - Coping with the “Migration Crisis” in the Central Mediterranean Derek Lutterbeck looks at how the countries in the Central Mediterranean and the EU have been ready to shift blame on each other for the “migration crisis”.
Gazing Northward: African Impacts of European Immigration Policy and Practice “Gazing northward” Loren Landau points out that migration within Africa is more important than towards Europe – but European policies and practises still have an immense impact.
The ‘Fortress Within’: Restriction of Movement and Refugee Self-Organisation Sunny Omwenyeke writes on the “Fortress Within”, the repressive conditions undocumented migrants and refugees have to live under – and struggle against.
The social challenges of immigration in the Canary Islands. The special case of Colombians Manuel Ferrer Muñoz calls for a better understanding of the reasons for migration and the conditions in which migrants live, illustrated by case of the Colombians in the Canary Islands.
Guantanamo Libya. The New Italian Border Police Gabriele Del Grande reveals in his investigative piece the horrendous conditions in Libya’s prisons and refugee camps.
Trends and strategies for diversity breakthroughs In the past years it has become common practice for large corporations to formulate their own diversity policy. In Germany, between January 2007 and December 2008 five hundred organisations have signed the “Charter for Diversity” – Charta der Vielfalt.
Workforce Diversity and Organizational Performance Swiss business executive Oliver Gassmann characterizes the European business environment.
Migration and Development Hans Werner Mundt trades off positive against negative effects of migration and argues why a cooperative management of migration is needed.