Between Organising and Exclusion: Trade Union Strategies and Undocumented Migrant Workers Özge Berber Ağtaş, Beate Amler and Luciole Sauviat describe how trade unions can define strategies for the inclusion of undocumented migrants.
United States: Increased criminalizing of undocumented migration after 9/11 Robyn M. Rodriguez stellt am Beispiel der USA dar wie die Verschärfungen nach den terroristischen Anschlägen im Jahr 2001 besonders MigrantInnen ohne Papiere treffen. Diese führen aber auch dazu, dass kommunale Projekte den undokumentierten MigrantInnen lokale Bürgerrechte geben.
Older People in Sweden: Some Observations Sweden is currently facing the same demographic situation or challenge as other European countries: an increasing number of elderly people. This demands a new future perspective the author Olof Björlin concludes, particularly with regard to health issues.
"Parallel Lives" Sometimes, migrants along with other disadvantaged and marginalized groups are used as scapegoats to rationalize the emergence of social problems in a country. This is the reason why xenophobia, discrimination and racism are growing in some regions in Europe.
Equal Opportunities for all! A Dream, not a Reality - The African Community in Germany Integration in Germany brings challenges for African migrants. It is expected that they assimilate rather then to be viewed as citizens with a tradition and culture that enriches the German society.
The losers in the Swedish welfare state – Africans with disabilities What happens if a group in society is vulnerable to more than one aspect of discrimination? Author Kitimbwa Sabuni explores the exclusion of Africans from the labour market and from all forms of rehabilitation after their migrations to Sweden.
Undocumented Migrants in the Workplace: A Rights-Based Approach Michele LeVoy and Sabine Craenen proof that the proposed measures of the European Commission for punishing employers giving jobs to illegal migrants are harming the migrants severly. They are proposing another solution while respecting human rights.
Immigration on the south frontier of Europe Spain has become a country of immigration in a very short time. Therefore Integration policy is a key factor in order to avoid discrimination and to promote equality for minorities groups.
Equal Opportunities: What can Europe Contribute In the year of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, it can certainly be argued that equality has always been an essential underlying value of the European integration. Still, the existing legal framework is admittedly incomplete.
The European Year of Equal Opportunities for All 2007 and its relevance to religious diversity in Britain The European Year encourages us to look at equality in a more horizontal and overarching way; therefore, instead of looking at problems and solutions just for black people, or just for gay people, there is a case for acknowledging that the picture is often more complex – Sarah Isal states.