In the melting pot – Muslim migrants in post-crisis Bochum Georgiana Catalina Macovei and photographer Octavian Bâlea documented the visitors of a Turkish mosque in Bochum. The article sheds light on the impact of the economic crisis of 2008 on Bochum’s large and diverse muslim community. Who was affected and what support networks are provided by religious institutions such as Mosque societies? As numbers cannot convey the complexity of issues of migration within the town of Bochum, the article allows for a different look on the struggles and success stories of muslim migrants in Bochum.
Mobility and Inclusion – Managing Labour Migration in Europe The dossier addresses the issue of growing labour mobility supply and demand within the European continent and challenges social, legal and economic policies restricting this process. pdf
Positive Action in the United Kingdom This paper by Uduak Archibong and Fahmida Ashraf provides an overview of the laws regulating positive action in the UK. It also presents key findings from a selection of research studies on positive action in the UK conducted between 2003 and 2009 by the Centre for Inclusion and Diversity at the University of Bradford, and provides examples of positive action drawn from these studies.
Active measures in Sweden – in theory and in practice Sweden needs to more thoroughly evaluate related measures for the promotion of equality. Their implementation needs to examine the introduction of sanctions / incentives into mainstreaming of various types – Paul Lappalainen, Yamam Al-Zubaidi and Paula Jonsson conclude.
Positive action measures in the context of integration, migration and cultural diversity: Building a consensus on the basis of reasoned policies Die Vizepräsidentin der Europäischen Kommission Viviane Reding betont, dass sich Positive Maßnahmen nur dann durchsetzen und implementieren lassen, wenn sie von einer breiten Mehrheit als vernünftig, wohl begründet und notwendig anerkannt werden.
A study on positive action in the European Union, Canada, United States and South Africa Uduak Archibong, Leiterin der EU-Studie Internationale Sichtweisen zu Positiven Maßnahmen fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Studie zusammen und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen für eine Weiterentwicklung Positiver Maßnahmen auf rechtlicher wie praktischer Ebene.
Affirmative Action without Quotas in Northern Ireland Christopher McCrudden and his team present their evaluation results of the Northern Irish affirmative action „Fair Employment“, prooving that binding negotiations with enterprises combined with a legal framework bring about significant changes in the employment sector.
Affirmative Action in the United States The concept of affirmative action in the US begins in the 60ies where it experienced various differentiations and modifications. Michael Werz and Julie Margetta Morgan from the Center for American Progress analyze those experiences that were crucial for the development of affirmative actions.
Setting-up Status and Progress-Reporting for Diversity Management – Key considerations on Gender Equity-focused Reporting No other topic in the sphere of Diversity Management has absorbed consultants, scholars, diversity officers and HR practioners as much as the issue of effective Diversity Management (DM) reporting.