Dossier Mobility and Inclusion – Managing Labour Migration in Europe The dossier addresses the issue of growing labour mobility supply and demand within the European continent and challenges social, legal and economic policies restricting this process.
Incentives for labour migrants from new Eastern European Member States Wadim Strielkowski acknowledges many different reasons why Eastern Europeans migrate to Western Europe, prioritising psychological factors and fair financial reward, so called pull factors, as the most significant aspects.
Irregular Migration - Personal Destinies of Illegal Migrants Since special skills and family reunions are increasingly the only legal way to enter Europe, people find themselves pushed to search for other ways. The journalist Antonio Cruz portrays three real life examples of illegal migrants and their experiences living in Belgium
Mapping the US: affirmative action revisited The United States inherits an elaborate, deeply entrenched, but increasingly anachronistic intellectual and institutional apparatus for dealing with diversity that conflates the circumstances of the various minority groups while homogenizing each of them.
Border Politics - Migration in the Mediterranean Das Dossier beleuchtet die humanitäre Katastrophe an den EU-Außengrenzen und fragt nach einer Grenzenpolitik, die menschenrechtliche Standards einhält und die gemeinsamen Interessen Europas und Afrikas in den Vordergrund stellt. pdf
Ethnic monitoring in Britain Joana Vassilopoulou analyzes the longterm experiences with ethnic monitoring in Britain and points out the importance of a continous evaluation of the monitoring process.
Don’t believe the hype! Bordermanagment, Development und der Boomerang-Effekt Vassilis Tsianos und Aida kritisieren, dass Libyen mit der Neukartierung des mediterranischen Migrationsraumes den realistischeren Plan einer geopolitischen Hegemonie innerhalb der „Euro-Afrikanischen Partnerschaft“ gewinnen könne. Dies gehe auf Kosten der Menschenrechte von (Transit-) MigrantInnen.
Libya's Border Management System: Mission Impossible Mustafa Attir describes Libya’s border management system as a “Mission Impossible” because of a lack of facilities and resources, as well as geographical and socio-economic reasons.
The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU Henk van Houtum and Roos Pijpers argue that the European Union is less a fortress and shows more resemblance with a gated community - an intricate system based on fear, judging on economic reasons who is allowed to enter- and who to stay out.